There are many things that become more convenient and less expensive when you obtain residency. You aren’t limited to the number of days you can stay (like a tourist is), you may enter and exit as often as you like. And not only do you reap tax benefits if you own and sell a home, but there are very large discounts available to residents 60+ years old.
- As a temporary or permanent resident, one may obtain a Mexican state driver’s license. This also allows a resident to buy and register a car in Mexico. As a tourist, obtaining a Mexican state driver’s license and car registration is almost impossible.
- As a temporary resident you may legally keep a vehicle from the US or Canada inside Mexico for up to four years.
- As a temporary or permanent resident you are not limited to the number of days allowed in Mexico as happens when you enter as a tourist. For tourists, the number of days you may be in Mexico is up to 180 and frequently, that number is being limited – sometimes to as little as 10 days.
- As a temporary or permanent resident, you may enter and exit Mexico as often as you wish. There are no limitations on your time out of country.
- Temporary and permanent residents are entitled to significant tax savings when selling property in Mexico. Those savings may be as much as 30% of the selling price. Tourists do not have this benefit.
INAPAM (Instituto Nacional de las Personas Adultas Mayores) is a senior’s discount card for those 60 years of age and over. They are available to citizens plus Permanent Residents. INAPAM provides benefits throughout Mexico.
In many municipalities, your INAPAM card will allow for discounts on water and property taxes. And, in many places of business, parks, hot springs, museums, movie theatres, etc. they will provide a discount. Below is a summary.
This government list of benefits is often being revised so please check back regularly.
Pharmacies: Wal-Mart, Bodega Aurrera, Soriana, La Comer, Sam’s Club, Superama, etc.
Laboratories: such as Simi, CHOPO and some Orthopedic and Optical centers.
Restaurants: including California, Wings, Woolworth, Applebee’s, El Porton, Pastelerías El Globo, Vip’s, SanBorn’s Cafeteria, etc.
Department Store: Suburbia
Recreation & Cultural: Hotels, Water Parks including Xote and others in San Miguel de Allende, Museums, Recreational Parks, Archeological Sites
Buses: ETN and Primera Plus 50% discount
Airlines: Interjet and AeroMexico 15 to 20% based on age and usually not on having an INAPAM card.
Movie Theaters: Cinepolis, Cinemex
SAPASMA water costs in San Miguel are reduced with an INAPAM card. If you are a Permanent Resident, the water bill is in your name and you pay in January or February, SAPASMA offers a discount on city water. If you pay the whole year at once you receive another discount of 10% for a total of 60%. The 50 % discount is on the first 20 cubic meters which equates to approximately 91 pesos. So, the savings is 45 pesos if your usage is 20 cubic meters or more in a month providing the bill is in your name. This does not apply to Temporary Residents.
Property taxes in San Miguel may be reduced for those who have an INAPAM card and are Permanent Residents. However, if you pay in the first 2 months of the calendar year and receive the early payment discounts of 15% or 10% the INAPAM discount will not apply. Taxation office staff will come to your property to inspect to see if you are operating a business. You need to complete a form at the tax office (no letter required) and provide original and copy of official ID and predial tax bill plus your Temporary or Permanent Resident visa. The discount will only apply to the following year and will not be greater than the 15% discount which one receives when they pay in January.
The fee clients pay for an INAPAM card goes toward the office issuing the card. We buy soccer balls for tournaments to help in keeping teens off the streets. We have bought dishes and cutlery for the daily meal provided for free to the seniors plus medicines etc. The fund also pays for craft material for seniors and items to celebrate Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day, Christmas and Independence Day. May 2021, we bought a 3 phone system for the offices.