Health Insurance
Before going to Mexico, learn what medical services your health insurance will cover overseas. If your health insurance policy provides coverage outside of your country, remember to carry both your insurance policy identity card as proof of such insurance and a claim form. Although many health insurance companies will pay “customary and reasonable” hospital costs abroad, very few will pay for your medical evacuation back to to your home country. Medical evacuation can easily cost $10,000 and up, depending on your location and medical condition.
I have some excellent medical insurance options as per here.
Hospitalization in Mexico
Hospital quality in Mexico varies. While most foreigners have acceptable experiences in Mexico, some have reported hospitals failing to provide an itemized list of charges, withholding their passport, and/or delaying medical evacuation. Hospitals in Mexico usually require payment up-front for services and will place holds on credit cards when a patient is admitted. Some private insurance companies pay for overseas medical care, usually on a reimbursable basis, meaning you must pay first and request reimbursement later. Patients should contact their insurance company as soon as possible to understand what overseas services their insurance covers.
I recommend patients take the following actions regarding billing for hospital services:
- Obtain a written estimate in advance of any procedure or proposed treatment.
- Request an itemized bill daily.
- Express concerns about billing with the hospital administration immediately.
- If uncomfortable with costs, check with other hospitals and if medically possible, change hospitals.
- Immediately work with your insurance company – do not assume the hospital will.
- If it appears the dispute cannot be resolved, contact your embassy, consulate, or consular agency for advice.
For planned medical surgeries when paying out-of-pocket, often your doctor is able to negotiate a complete package fee including the hospitals. You will save a considerable sum of money.
You will not receive an itemized statement of every pill, temperature recording, nurse visit, etc. so this does not work if you have health insurance.
There are different types of hospitals in Mexico:
In Mexico, the Federal General Health Law (La Ley General de Salud) governs the rights and responsibilities of hospitals and patients. The key provisions of the law require the nearest medical facility to see patients with emergency medical conditions, that patients receive complete information about their diagnosis and care, and that patients authorize any treatment. Additionally, patients have the right to consent to treatment and where they will receive treatment. Hospitals may not retain or attempt to detain a patient, or his/her passport or body to guarantee payment of provided medical services. However, the patient, family member, or legal representative who authorized treatment is also responsible for arranging payment with the hospital administration and/or insurance company.
Public clinics where patients pay for medication and other basic items.
Public and private hospitals that generally provide a basic level of care, but may be unable to handle complex cases.
Modern private facilities that provide high quality care at prices sometime quite expensive.
When the patient wishes to leave Mexico immediately and travel on a commercial flight it may not be possible and you may wish to consider air ambulance/medical evacuation services and medical insurance as you need to be stable to be transported on a plane. Insurance for these services I provide as per here.