Your CURP (Unique Population Registry Code) is similar to an American SSN or Canadian SIN. Your CURP ID number is usually on the front of your Temporary or Permanent Resident visa. Your CURP may be printed out at the link below. Once into the website, when you know your CURP number, select “Clave Unica de Registro de Poblacion” and where it says “Ingresa tu Curp” enter your CURP number and then select “BUSCAR”. It will download and you may print out your CURP page.
If you do not know your CURP number select “Datos Personales”. There are times you may have a number and not be aware you do. Insert your first and second name where it says Nombre(s) and last name where it says Primer apellido. Then insert birth date, month, year. Finally, in the drop-down box in the list of states at the bottom select “NACIDO EN EL EXTRANJERO”. Then select “BUSCAR”. Your CURP will download and you may print out it out.
Your may check and print your CURP here.
Registro Federal de Contribuyentes is a personal tax identification number. It is required to earn income sourced in Mexico; to sell property; to enter into legal transactions, for collecting rent as a landlord or to claim Capital Gains exemptions on a property, etc. Keep in mind, a tourist is not able to have a RFC meaning doing those processes is becoming limited for a tourist. The federal government is requiring every resident of Mexico age 18 and older to register with the SAT and obtain an RFC, regardless of income or tax status. This is an attempt to control corruption and money laundering. It is usually required for transactions such as opening a bank account, purchasing a vehicle, signing up for utilities, or buying/selling a property. Some are requiring it now.
RFC is issued by SAT, the equivalent of IRS or Revenue Canada. To obtain your RFC you will need to request an appointment online. You will receive an email weeks later informing you of your appointment time. You must reply to that email within 24 hours or your appointment will be cancelled. For assistance in San Miguel de Allende, please email Joanna Francis who is part of my team. For your appointment please bring USB, resident card, printout out of your CURP and proof of address in anyone’s name. You then go in person to your local SAT office.
When an RFC belongs to a person, it has 13 characters. It is structured as follows:
- Four letters from the person’s legal name
- First letter and first internal vowel of the paternal surname
- If the paternal surname does not have a first internal vowel, the second letter of the paternal surname is used.
- If the person does not have a second surname, first two letters of the paternal surname are used.
- First letter of the maternal surname
- If the person does not have a second surname, the first letter of the given name is used.
- First letter of the given name
- If the person does not have a second surname, the second letter of the given name is used.
- First letter and first internal vowel of the paternal surname
- The individual’s six-digit birth date in YYMMDD format
- A three-digit checksum assigned by SAT.
RFC doesn’t expire but the electronic signature does expire after 4 years. It is renewed at a SAT office requiring your ID, residency card, an USB and proof of address. The document of the e-signature states the expiry date
In addition, Temporary and Permanent Residents, as well as citizens over the age of 18 will require a Constancia. This has a QR code and it provides proof of your being current with your taxes with SAT. This document contains key information on taxpayers with which their economic activity can be identified and validated.