All of Mexico has a 911 emergency service.
Local calls: all numbers are 10 digits – area code plus phone number. In Mexico City, for example, 551-234-5678 is the format.
When calling from a Mexican phone number to a number in Mexico you may hide the number from which you are calling. Prefix the number you are calling with. #31#. Example: #31# 111-123-1234.
To call Mexico from the US and Canada, the exit code 011. Mexico’s country code is 52. Let’s say you want to call a cell phone number in Cancun that’s 998 555 5555.
- Enter + (if you’re calling from a mobile number) or 011 (if you’re dialing from a landline).
- Add on the Mexico country code, 52.
- Type the remaining digits of the number, 998 555 5555.
- In summary: 011 52 985 555 5555
To call from Mexico to Canada and the US, dial 00 and then 1. Note, 00 is the Mexican exit code, and 1 is the country code for Canada and the US.
800 Numbers
To call 1-800 numbers in the US and Canada from Mexico, you must substitute numbers.
Calls are not toll-free and a fee will be charged.
USA/Canada Toll-free Change to:
1-800 001-880
1-844 001-885
1-855 001-884
1-866 001-883
1-877 001-882
1-888 001-881